Guest Post: How to Deal When GTD Kicks Your Ass – 5 Steps for Sanity


Photo credit: Hector Pierna Sanchez

It’s morning. You’re staring at your Next Actions list like you would a creature out of nightmare — something huge and ugly that’s reaching out to crush your soul into unproductive little pieces. It’s been this way for a week or so now, maybe more; you’ve lost track. All you know is that this GTD thing everybody goes on about — the super-productivity system you thought would save you from overwhelm — has turned on you. And it’s seriously kicking your ass.

Something has obviously gone wrong. But now what? You’ve invested a lot of … Lire la suite

4 Steps to Quitting, for Resolution’s Sake!

Note: This is a guest post from Tyler Tervooren of Advanced Riskology

Quitting has gotten a really bad rap. The Internet (and life in general) are filled with rhetoric about how bad it is to give up on something. Truth is, giving up on the wrong things is just as important as committing to the right ones. Being able to see the difference and cutting those bad pieces out of your life can help you recover a significant amount of time and energy to pour into the good parts.

QuittingThe best part? Deciphering between the two is actually really easy.

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Conquer Fears of Public Speaking with These Simple Steps

Simple Steps to Make Speaking in Public a Cinch

Published on November 18, 2010 – 6 Comments
Categories: self improvement



We’ve all been there…that gnawing feeling in the pit of your stomach when you’re about to give a big presentation, fearful that you may blow it.  The hesitation that grips your chest when you step into a party and you don’t know a soul, dreading the moment you have to introduce yourself.  Most of the time, when we’re out of our comfort zone…it’s uncomfortable!

For some people, those same situations seem effortless…enjoyable, in fact.

Ah…yes, the gift of

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