Gagner un stage chez McCann New York

McCann New York offre un stage pour les créatifs. Mais attention, pas n’importe quel créatif! Celui qui pourra les convaincre avec un texte sur l’image ci-dessous.
Vous pouvez écrire une courte histoire (743 mots ou moins), un court métrage (2mn), faire une série de photos ou un mp3.
Vous êtes prêts? Envoyez vos meilleures créations à
Le gagnant gagne le stage….et l’épingle. 


Some young couples who are facing different heartiness problem, these individuals can buy remedies from the … Lire la suite

The awesome @googletasks team about to go on stage



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NYC, Startups, Clippings & Musings

Some young couples who are facing different soundness problem, these individuals can buy remedies from the Web without any problem. Unconditionally, one of the wonderful place where buyers can purchase medicines is Internet. One of the best treatment for failure to get or keep an hard-on is Viagra. Today sundry articles were published about viagra substitute. You may have heard about “where to buy viagra“. Various companies describe it as “how Lire la suite

About to go on stage at #ingenuity


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NYC, Startups, Clippings & Musings

Some young couples who are facing different health problem, these individuals can buy remedies from the Web without any problem. Unconditionally, one of the wonderful place where buyers can purchase medicines is Internet. One of the best treatment for failure to get or keep an erection is Viagra. Today sundry articles were published about viagra substitute. You may have heard about “where to buy viagra“. Various companies describe it as “how Lire la suite