Really Good Community Tips on Time Management, inc the Pomodoro Technique


We can’t let David Allen have all the fun! Below are some great tips from students who’ve mastered time management, one of whom has really gotten the hang of the popular Pomodoro technique. It’s centered on a daily routine with intervals of 25 minutes of uninterrupted work — a “pomodoro” — and 5 minutes on break. A kitchen timer, like the one pictured here, is a must have. Download a 30-page guide for free. 

Jason Shore of William Jewell College:

  • I keep all my important tasks on Producteev, and star them with the appropriate level. When using the pomodoro technique,
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“It’s really about oil”

03/01/11 DME Securities’ Alan Valdes weighs in on the decline in US stocks and Bernanke’s testimony. – Business CenterLire la suite