As A true Geekette and street art lover, I could resist posting this NYC discovery : Lego and street art mixed together.

It all started yesterday when I went to the Social Media Week kickoff Party at the NY Public Library,  when i saw this on the wall:

and after a little research I found out that there was many like this spread all over the city:

Central Park:

It is actually a global project and featured in many cities such as Tel aviv, Berlin, Amsterdam, and much more.

I have no idea who is behind it but I think … Lire la suite

A New York, Quand il Neige, il Neige Vraiment !

Si nous avons récemment connu en France des chutes de neige d’une rare intensité, New York et sa région ont été aussi durant les derniers 48h particulièrement bien doté de ce côté la. Trouvé sur YouTube, 80cm de poudreuse en moins de 24h.

Le photographe a shooté sa terrasse tous les 5′ pour faire ce petit film de 40 secondes, très impressionnant je trouve :


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FloCo’s posterous

Some young couples who are facing various health problem, these individuals … Lire la suite

Prochain AperiGeek : Mercredi 1er Decembre

See you all in December ! As usual RSVP on our facebook page or just tweet it  !

Implementing the Facebook deal for the first time at the Bubble Lounge: check-in at The Bubble Lounge NY and une Flûte de Champagne Couche Zero Dosage, importé par le Bubble Lounge vous sera offerte !!!

Some young couples who are facing varied health problem, these individuals can buy remedies from the Web without any problem. Unconditionally, one of the wonderful place where buyers can purchase medicines is … Lire la suite

Why New York has become a growing hub for startups ?

Very interesting article today in the Financial Times about why New York has become a growing hub for technology startup companies ? by Steven Johnson.

“Some of the most emulated web companies, such as the gossip site Gawker; location-based social media site Foursquare; the personal health network Everyday Health; and Etsy, a marketplace for handcrafted goods, have originated in Manhattan and Brooklyn over the past five years. For the first time in nearly a half century, since the heyday of Bell Labs (the research offshoot of AT&T), New York has become a world leader in high-tech

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Flying Over Manhattan

I was lucky to be seated on the perfect side of the plane with my point and shoot camera within reach. The image is a bit shaky, backlight disturbing for a couple of minutes but overall, a great view over NYC.

Few minutes of post-editing on iMovie (yes- I’m learning) and below the result.

Florian Seroussi’s Blog

Some young couples who are facing varied soundness problem, these individuals can buy remedies from the Web without any problem. Unconditionally, one of the wonderful place … Lire la suite

Walk on the West Side

On a bright but chilly sunday afternoon, I decided to take a walk on the West side of the city , and here is my West Side Story in pictures with some amazing Street Art characters.

Mickey loves NY
WWest Side Ride
One of those day
Che and Mussolini
Beautiful Brunette
Colors on the Corner
Love this
U just got BrainWashed
MBW invasion in meatpacking
Wall Kicks
Gay Paris
Monsieur Moustache
Through Tears the Pain
Art is Over indeed MBW
Doggy Style
Monsieur Alec
Lapin aux Chiottes
She Ain't Nothing to Mess With
Bright Drips, Big City
Dr Spock
Hakula / Kardashian
Even Cops stick on the Block
Parking Sign
Blowing All Up
Red Lights District
Stop in the West Village
Village Paris in NYC
Sure & Faust
Matching Vespa with the House
Str8 From the Sewer
The Dogs are Watching
Love Me in Blue
Nobody Cares

Madame Lolo

Some young couples who are facing different heartiness problem, these individuals can buy remedies from the Web without any problem. Unconditionally, one of the wonderful place where buyers can purchase medicines is Internet. One of the best treatment for inability to get or keep an hard-on is … Lire la suite

I don’t go out often enough, beautiful blue sky over NYC


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NYC, Startups, Clippings & Musings

Some young couples who are facing different soundness problem, these individuals can buy remedies from the Web without any problem. Unconditionally, one of the wonderful place where buyers can purchase medicines is Internet. One of the best treatment for disability to get or keep an erection is Viagra. Today sundry articles were published about viagra substitute. You may have heard about “where to buy viagra“. Various companies describe it as “… Lire la suite

Stuff Tourists Like # 3

This is the peak season for Tourists : dear Nouillorqueur, I am sure your couch is booked till Labor Day ( and trust me I feel your pain…), and  just in case you were wondering how they would spend their day in NYC, I can bet you that they will end up in 2 spots :

Tourists Like to Stop in the middle of a street : Move to the side

Using a Pedicab to get to the Apple Store

this is a no-no using a pedicab is a tourist thing, no New Yorker would ever do that.

Apple Store

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New York ‘Foutaises’

New York est une ville incroyable, sale, déroutante, enivrante, surprenante, marrante, stressante. La liste n’en finie pas. Toujours est-il que je l’adore, souvent. La déteste, parfois. Le fait qu’elle ne soit pas complètement cernable en fait un challenge quotidien. Et sur place, Dieu sait qu’il y a des milliers de choses que j’aime et que je hais. Alors à mes heures perdues en attendant le ‘G train’, je prends des notes sur mon Blackberry, comme les rappeurs. Récemment j’ai regardé « Foutaises », ce court-métrage de Jean Pierre Jeunet qui me rappelle ma classe d’audiovisuel de Terminal L. Le personnage … Lire la suite

New York Photo Booth

In the era of all digital images, it became more fun to play with analog pictures, and as I got my summer tan on, it means I am eligible for picture time without the ususally mandatory Photoshop retouching … Here is a quick round-up of the Photobooth (or Photomaton in French) in NYC:

1. Coney Island

Deno’s Wonder Wheel – 3059 W 12th St. Brooklyn, NY 11224– Color

2. 7B

7B — 108 Avenue B – New York, NY — B&W Only

3. Ace Hotel

Ace Hotel — 20 West 29th Street, New York, NY‎ — Black&White Only

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