Le nouveau look de l’Apple Store de la 5eme avenue

Actuellement, après quelques jours d’emballage du célèbre cube en verre, le fameux Apple Store newyorkais de la 5eme avenue ressemble à ceci. Cet Apple Store est mondialement connu pour son cube en verre et le coût de sa rénovation devrait être proche de 6.5 millions de dollars.

Les plans de rénovation prévoient de changer certaines parties du magasin (qui est pour le moment toujours accessible au public) et de retirer complètement le cube de verre afin de le réinstaller au mieux. Pour le moment, le cube est totalement entouré de blanc et nul doute que ce cube qui est … Lire la suite

Look who’s in the house #io2011



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NYC, Startups, Clippings & Musings

Some young couples who are facing varied heartiness problem, these individuals can buy remedies from the Web without any problem. Unconditionally, one of the wonderful place where buyers can purchase medicines is Internet. One of the best treatment for inability to get or keep an erection is Viagra. Today sundry articles were published about viagra substitute. You may have heard about “where to buy viagra“. Various companies describe it as “how Lire la suite

A look at how social media affects productivity for students (graphic)




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What’s up at Producteev?

Some young couples who are facing various health problem, these individuals can buy remedies from the Web without any problem. Unconditionally, one of the wonderful place where buyers can purchase medicines is Internet. One of the best treatment for inability to get or keep an erection is Viagra. Today sundry articles were published about viagra substitute. You may have heard about “where to buy viagra“. Various companies describe it as … Lire la suite

A Fun Look at What Our Workspaces Say About Us

A few weeks ago we shared an article about What Your Workspace Says About You.

Below are photos of our desks and a few of the possible inferences. Can you guess whose desk each one is?

  • paper stacks – this person spends a lot of time processing documents and serving as the organization’s record keeper
  • mega screens – s/he means business!

  • headphones – this person has a need for quiet so s/he can get in the zone
  • pen & paper – s/he blends old school tools and therefore isn’t that geeky

  • snacks – this person needs to frequently recharge
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Barnes&Noble closing : Book stores look doomed and that’s very sad


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NYC, Startups, Clippings & Musings

Some young couples who are facing various heartiness problem, these individuals can buy remedies from the Web without any problem. Unconditionally, one of the wonderful place where buyers can purchase medicines is Internet. One of the best treatment for failure to get or keep an erection is Viagra. Today sundry articles were published about viagra substitute. You may have heard about “where to buy viagra“. Various companies describe it as “how Lire la suite

How does Twitter usage look like?


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NYC, Startups, Clippings & Musings

Some young couples who are facing various soundness problem, these individuals can buy remedies from the Web without any problem. Unconditionally, one of the wonderful place where buyers can purchase medicines is Internet. One of the best treatment for inability to get or keep an erection is Viagra. Today sundry articles were published about viagra substitute. You may have heard about “where to buy viagra“. Various companies describe it as … Lire la suite

Why Doesn’t Facebook Look Like This? Because Twitter Does.

Back in April of this year, I put up a post with a simple question: Why Doesn’t Facebook Look Like This? The post contained screenshots of a Facebook redesign that Japanese design firm iA had done for the company back in late 2006/early 2007. Facebook didn’t end up using the ideas, but there’s no denying that they looked great. In fact, looking over them again, they now look familiar. They look like New Twitter!

Well, technically, the overall concept is a bit more like Twitter for iPad (with the three-pane view). But that shares many of the same design

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