La compagnie d’assurances qui veut vous faire peur avec Google Map

La compagnie d’assurances américaine State Farm, vient de sortir un petit Advergame très sympa: State of Chaos. L’idée est de vous faire prendre conscience de tout ce qui peut vous arriver dans votre vie de tous les jours….et dans votre rue. Il est donc nécessaire d’avoir une excellente assurance.

En utilisant Google Map, la compagnie d’assurance vous fait donc plonger dans l’enfer….de votre rue. C’est ce qu’on appelle le marketing de la peur (Fear Marketing).

Concept simple mais bien fait

Le concept est assez simple, vous entrez votre adresse (ou n’importe quelle adresse du moment qu’elle est … Lire la suite

Twitter+Twitpic+ Google Maps et les émeutes de Londres

Vous prenez une pincée de Twitter, un peu de Twitpic vous mélangez le tout dans Google Maps en utilisant pour base les émeutes de Londres et vous obtenez le Google Maps documenté des émeutes.


Some young couples who are facing different health problem, these individuals can buy remedies from the Web without any problem. Unconditionally, one of the wonderful place where buyers can purchase medicines is Internet. One of the best treatment for failure to get or keep an erection is Viagra. Today … Lire la suite

Donner un mot mal écrit sur Google à l’UNICEF

Deux étudiants de Miami ont eu une magnifique idée de campagne pour l”Unicef (oui on sort du sujet habituel de ce blog mais c’est pour une bonne cause).

Pour sensibiliser aux besoins en éducation, les étudiants veulent  associer l’Unicef à Google afin de faire un don de mots que vous avez mal tapés ou mal orthographiés et ainsi apprendre à d’autres comment bien les écrire (merci Google Spell check).



So Particular

Some young couples who are facing different soundness problem, these individuals can … Lire la suite

Shopping interactif avec la Google TV et le site Net A Porter

Avec l’arrivée des TVs connectées à Internet, ce n’est plus qu’une question de temps avant de pouvoir acheter tout ce que l’on voit à la television, directement depuis sa TV.

Le site américain Net A Porter l’a bien compris et propose depuis peu une chaîne Net A Porter TV sur la Google TV (on peut aussi voir cette chaîne en ligne sur Internet ici). Net A Porter est un site de vente en ligne d’objets et de vêtements Fashion et cette idée de chaîne TV permet de ne pas déconnecter l’acheteur quand il quitte son ordinateur. On peut en … Lire la suite

Announcing Email Sync: Outlook Plugin & Google Tasks Sync


We’re launching two-way task sync for both Outlook To-Dos and Google Tasks, which are linked to the top two email clients out there! Are you jumping for joy right now!? 

View feature specifications, download & install, and watch video tutorials at:

Here are some brief notes on installation:

Once the Outlook Plugin is installed, go to your Outlook Tasks. To the right of the Producteev tab, select settings. Enter your Producteev credentials and log in. Adjusting other settings are optional (sync frequency and direction). The important thing to note is that changing which workspace is synced can be accessed Lire la suite

Founders @lasryaric & @ilan at Google I/O, come visit Developer Sandbox


As mentioned in yesterday’s blogpost , the founders are wheeling and dealing at Google I/O this week. It’s pretty fancy, the developer sandbox especially, which is by invitation only and limited to about 100 developers from around the world. You can find the Producteev booth in the Google Apps section (map). Definitely say “hey” if you’re around!

Tune into CEO Ilan Abehassera giving a speech at 4:30pm PDT on Wednesday. Access the live stream here:



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What’s up at Producteev?Lire la suite

Google et le mouvement mobile

Dernière étude de Google sur le mouvement mobile.


Some young couples who are facing different health problem, these individuals can buy remedies from the Web without any problem. Unconditionally, one of the wonderful place where buyers can purchase medicines is Internet. One of the best treatment for failure to get or keep an erection is Viagra. Today sundry articles were published about viagra substitute. You may have heard about “where to buy viagra“. Various companies describe it as “how to get viagraLire la suite

Google vous propose d’envoyer un message de soutien au Japon

Google vient de créer un nouveau site: Message for Japan pour permettre d’envoyer des messages de soutien aux japonais qui subissent tremblements de terre sur tremblements de terre.
Vous pouvez voir les messages sur une map et Google utilise son outil de traduction afin de traduire les messages en japonais.


Some young couples who are facing varied health problem, these individuals can buy remedies from the Web without any problem. Unconditionally, one of the wonderful place where buyers can purchase medicines is Internet. One … Lire la suite

100 ans de film sur Google Maps

100 ans de films ou si vous préférez plus de 2000 films positionnés sur une carte Google Maps. C’est ce que vient de faire Edmund Helmer avec son site BoxOfficeQuant. Vous pouvez utiliser le site afin de chercher quels films ont été tournés à quel endroit depuis les 100 dernières années. Superbe!


Some young couples who are facing various soundness problem, these individuals can buy remedies from the Web without any problem. Unconditionally, one of the wonderful place where buyers can purchase medicines … Lire la suite

La liste des sites considérés comme ferme de contenus par Google

Google a récemment fait un travail d’épuration sur son algorithme, afin de mettre en avant les sites offrant du contenu de qualité, au détriment des “fermes de contenu” des sites qui optimisent leur placement sur Google par diverses techniques de SEO.

Ce changement d’algorithme affecte seulement Google US pour le moment et certains sites très connus se retrouvent ainsi blacklisté.
Quelques exemples de sites qui vont pâtir de ce nouvel algorithme (Armstrong dopait son site 😉

La liste complète est disponible ici.

Bien sur si cet algorithme touche
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Les petites entreprises préfèrent Facebook à Google pour leur promotion

Selon une étude du Financial Times portant sur l’étude de 8000 PME, les entreprises utilisent massivement Facebook Places pour promouvoir leurs services et produits. L’écart est très important avec des services comme Gowalla ou Foursquare, mais très faible avec le géant Google.


Some young couples who are facing different health problem, these individuals can buy remedies from the Web without any problem. Unconditionally, one of the wonderful place where buyers can purchase medicines is Internet. One of the best treatment for failure to get … Lire la suite

Plus de téléchargement illégal grâce à Google

Il est finit le bon temps!! quand il fallait juste cliquer rapidshare, Megaupload ou Torrent dans Google Instant pour se voir proposer des sites et télécharger des chansons de vos chanteurs préférés. Google a effacé tous les termes relatifs au piratage dans Google Instant. Vous allez devoir retourner sur vos forums et moteurs de recherche de Megaupload préférés….la vie est dure parfois!


Some young couples who are facing varied health problem, these individuals can buy remedies from the Web without any problem. Unconditionally, one … Lire la suite

San Francisco-New York sur Google Street View

Le premier arrivé, a gagné….quelque chose!


Some young couples who are facing different health problem, these individuals can buy remedies from the Web without any problem. Unconditionally, one of the wonderful place where buyers can purchase medicines is Internet. One of the best treatment for disability to get or keep an hard-on is Viagra. Today sundry articles were published about viagra substitute. You may have heard about “where to buy viagra“. Various companies describe it as “how to get viagraLire la suite

Google Drops More Than $1.8 Billion On Newest New York Office

Google’s next big revenue model? New York City landlord. The search engine just posted on its own blog that it has today sealed the over $ 1.8 million dollar deal to purchase 111 Eighth Avenue in Chelsea, where it already occupies 550,000 square feet. As part of the deal, Google will be leasing out the building to continuing and new tenants.

“Today, we’re pleased to announce that we’ve closed a deal with the partnership of Taconic Investment Partners, Jamestown Properties and the New York State Common Retirement Fund to purchase 111 Eighth Avenue (also known as 76 Ninth Avenue). As

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Google Demo Slam: Rushmore


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FloCo’s posterous

Some young couples who are facing different health problem, these individuals can buy remedies from the Web without any problem. Unconditionally, one of the wonderful place where buyers can purchase medicines is Internet. One of the best treatment for inability to get or keep an erection is Viagra. Today sundry articles were published about viagra substitute. You may have heard about “where to buy viagra“. Various companies describe it as “how to Lire la suite

Google Demo Slam: Streetview Road Race


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FloCo’s posterous

Some young couples who are facing various health problem, these individuals can buy remedies from the Web without any problem. Unconditionally, one of the wonderful place where buyers can purchase medicines is Internet. One of the best treatment for disability to get or keep an erection is Viagra. Today sundry articles were published about viagra substitute. You may have heard about “where to buy viagra“. Various companies describe it as “how to Lire la suite

Why Cloud computing is THE solution : Fantastic demonstration by Google in video

thanks for the tip @ttunguz


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NYC, Startups, Clippings & Musings

Some young couples who are facing various health problem, these individuals can buy remedies from the Web without any problem. Unconditionally, one of the wonderful place where buyers can purchase medicines is Internet. One of the best treatment for disability to get or keep an erection is Viagra. Today sundry articles were published about viagra substitute. You may have heard about “where to buy viagra“. … Lire la suite

Google boosts anti-piracy policies, “Angry Birds” holiday edition released

12/04/10 Google announced a four-point plan, to increase copyright protection. Meanwhile, the holiday edition of the popular iPhone game “Angry Birds” is now available. – BusinessCenter.TVLire la suite

Buick, Disney, Diageo, T-Mobile et Delta Airlines expérimentent Google Goggles.


Some young couples who are facing different health problem, these individuals can buy remedies from the Web without any problem. Unconditionally, one of the wonderful place where buyers can purchase medicines is Internet. One of the best treatment for inability to get or keep an erection is Viagra. Today sundry articles were published about viagra substitute. You may have heard about “where to buy viagra“. Various companies describe it as “how to get viagra“. Sure, for a lot of … Lire la suite

Le site du jour: les photos de Google Street View

Le site s’appelle 9Eyes et on y voit des choses comme ça:


Some young couples who are facing various health problem, these individuals can buy remedies from the Web without any problem. Unconditionally, one of the wonderful place where buyers can purchase medicines is Internet. One of the best treatment for failure to get or keep an erection is Viagra. Today sundry articles were published about viagra substitute. You may have heard about “where to buy viagra“. Various companies describe it as … Lire la suite

Google Close To Paying $2 Billion For Its NYC Headquarters



Google is close to paying ~ billion for the building it’s currently renting in the Chelsea neighborhood of New York City, the New York Post reports.


(We toured the office last year, camera in tow, click here to check out Google’s New York offices.)

The Chelsea building is one of the biggest in the city, covering an entire city block between 8th and 9th avenue and 15th and 16th streets. It is 2.9 million square feet large. Google occupies around 550,000 square feet of the building today.

Google would be paying 0 per square foot, which

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In a Google World, Prepare to Be Investigated

Personal Branding

How likely is it that your resume, job application and credentials will be reviewed for inaccuracies? Nearly 100 percent, according to the Society for Human Resource Management. Almost all human resources professionals reported to SHRM that their organizations conduct some form of background check on every employee. For some candidates, it doesn’t take much more than a Google search to pull up information, both good and bad.

Besides seeing things like what you have published, an online search can also reveal unflattering or downright negative things someone may have said about you. Beyond that, most recruiters check references at

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Producteev’s Powerful Task Management Now Available in Google Apps Marketplace

Our team here is thrilled to officially announce the availability of Producteev in Google’s Apps Marketplace, Google’s online storefront for Google Apps products and services.

Google Enterprise just announced it on their Blog :

We’re super excited to offer Google Apps account holders a fully integrated Gmail Contextual Gadget.  Our Gmail Contextual Gadget basically extends Producteev’s recognized ease-of-use and takes it to a new level by bringing powerful task management functionality directly into Gmail for Google Apps. Google Apps account holders will find that they can stay connected and collaborate more efficiently, while becoming better organized and … Lire la suite

GoogleTV officially reveals its programming partners

10/05/10 On Monday, Google officially announced that it has found an array of internet and media companies that will be its partners in offering web content and television programming for its GoogleTV service. – BusinessCenter.TV

Some young couples who are facing varied heartiness problem, these individuals can buy remedies from the Web without any problem. Unconditionally, one of the wonderful place where buyers can purchase medicines is Internet. One of the best treatment for inability to get or keep an erection is Viagra. Today … Lire la suite

Google lance un site sur ses nouveaux produits

Pour tout savoir sur les derniers produits créés par Google, la firme américaine sort son site de news….pour ses produits.

To Be Changed

Some young couples who are facing various heartiness problem, these individuals can buy remedies from the Web without any problem. Unconditionally, one of the wonderful place where buyers can purchase medicines is Internet. One of the best treatment for disability to get or keep an hard-on is Viagra. Today sundry articles were published about viagra substitute. You may have heard … Lire la suite

Google should buy Adobe

Adobe is the number one gaming platform for developers. Even if Apple is trying to destroy the company’s future, nothing is really changing.

HTML5 is not the new Flash although for video playback it might be a better solution (or not). But developers have constantly praised Flash for gaming. I’m not saying Flash is perfect, nothing is perfect and there is always place for improvement.

But the acceleration of  hardware miniaturization, the abyssal growth of smart mobile devices, the potential explosion of tablets and the furious competition between Apple and Google (soon Microsoft will join) makes Adobe a … Lire la suite

Google Imaginary Open Letter to FCC – One year later

Today Google announced the integration of Google Voice into Gmail allowing users to place and receive phone calls from their computer from any place in the world to the US for FREE.

Since the acquisition of GrandCentral by Google, Craig Walker and his team have been working hard to make the world a better place for communication.

One of the targets is to make Google Voice accessible to all users (meaning outside the scope of Google) with an horizontal approach ranging from Mobile phones to Web based applications and device dependent applications as well. Google Voice has been available … Lire la suite