Really Good Community Tips on Time Management, inc the Pomodoro Technique


We can’t let David Allen have all the fun! Below are some great tips from students who’ve mastered time management, one of whom has really gotten the hang of the popular Pomodoro technique. It’s centered on a daily routine with intervals of 25 minutes of uninterrupted work — a “pomodoro” — and 5 minutes on break. A kitchen timer, like the one pictured here, is a must have. Download a 30-page guide for free. 

Jason Shore of William Jewell College:

  • I keep all my important tasks on Producteev, and star them with the appropriate level. When using the pomodoro technique,
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From Procrastination to Concentration: Advice from Our CTO & Community

“I add all the things people ask me to do during the day to a Producteev workspace. Then I keep 2 hours at the end of the day (or the next day) to do it” – Aric Lasry, CTO.

How do you effectively deal with procrastination? At first, our CTO’s answer sounded like the very essence of procrastination. I had to dig deep to understand it, and I’m glad I found an interesting method (image at bottom of post) to help make sense of his feedback.

There is a difference between tasks that are hard to finish and hard

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