Founders @lasryaric & @ilan at Google I/O, come visit Developer Sandbox


As mentioned in yesterday’s blogpost , the founders are wheeling and dealing at Google I/O this week. It’s pretty fancy, the developer sandbox especially, which is by invitation only and limited to about 100 developers from around the world. You can find the Producteev booth in the Google Apps section (map). Definitely say “hey” if you’re around!

Tune into CEO Ilan Abehassera giving a speech at 4:30pm PDT on Wednesday. Access the live stream here:



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What’s up at Producteev?Lire la suite

Q & A: How Producteev helps a consulting company come together across departments

Nuezra is a privately held, self-funded company that provides IT support and consulting for businesses. Founded in 2004, it works with companies of all sizes and specializes in meeting the needs of its customers through end-to-end solution services. Nuezra prides itself on implementing a mix of creativity, innovation, and technology in its consulting.

Neha Lodha is a marketing manager.
How do you use Producteev?

Neha: A team member heard about Producteev through one of the social networks and started using it for personal use. It was soon brought to the attention of the company that it could be utilized as
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